We’re starting a new project at GunsAmerica.com – The Great GunAmerica Ammo Adventure. Each week, we’ll take an in depth look at a specific cartridge. Not a brand, but a specific brand, model, caliber and loading. Ammo performance is a tricky subject, and just because brand “Mega-Doom Blaster Expander” works great in the 9mm +P loading doesn’t mean that the .45 ACP ++++P+++++++ load works properly. With that said, we’ll take an in-depth look at velocity, consistency and performance in ballistic gelatin where appropriate. Want to see your favorite load in an upcoming weekly installment? Let us know in the comments…
There’s not much that the Sig Sauer folks aren’t making these days, except, perhaps shotguns. I’m guessing that’s only a matter of time. One of the relatively new projects from the Sig Sauer team is a line of premium ammunition. Given the recent launch of the new MCX rifles in 300 Blackout, it follows that one of the first ammo offerings would be in that caliber.
I got my hands on several boxes of the Sig Sauer 300 AAC Blackout Match Grade cartridges. The first 300 Blackout offering from Sig is subsonic and makes use of Sierra’s 220 grain Matchking projectiles. Rated at 1,000 feet per second at the muzzle, it delivers 488 foot-pounds of muzzle energy.
Obama should stop citing Australian statistics, they are not a point!!!
Crudely it can be expressed for 100 years as:
Australia: 75 percent total homicides by “beating and non-firearm weapon” – max. population density (Sydney) 1/4 of USA environment (never more than 50 gun homicide ever p/year in 100 years (one exception of 80))
USA: 75 percent total homicides by “firearm” – in past 10-15 years has decreased from 8 p/100,000 to 4 p/100,000 of population with same mapping trend as Australia because of GPS,Internet,High dpi camera,mobile phone (Australia had CAD introduced in police vehicles apart DVP scrambling , CAD is Computer Aided Dispatch to incidents or other instant information alike an internet).
Too , mass killing in Australia without a firearm has occurred since 1996 and 2000 many times!
Australians don’t have ANY “right” to defend them-self or their family, there are no actual rights and also because they would be mute, because a set of rights requires having the right and forceful ability to uphold them(such as” right to bear arms against the government”), it is a process determined “after the fact in court after mandatory charge” for any incident involving use of force by an ordinary citizen in Britain and it’s commonwealths, and thus as mentioned in other comments, Britain and its Commonwealths are a “Monarchic Fascism” and “not a democracy(you vote for economic handlers)”!
Australia , South Africa , and Uganda have all been under the same compulsory “Commonwealth law standards” and particularly, of “POLICE” you like to say , one of Britain’s Commonwealth policeman of Uganda “shot over a million people with his own hand!!!!!”
Secondly Bullet proof vests(that passive thing you don’t mention alike housing front doors) have always been illegal too (semi automatic military style weapons have not always been illegal … hmmmm think about it!!!).
It must be such a pity to John Howard he hasn’t lunched with Mugabe and Amin.
(During the 1977–1979 period, Uganda was a member of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.)
Idi Amin did “half of” in less than a decade as head of Britain’s Commonwealth state what Stalin took 30 years to do on his own people!
Never mind Queen Hoddle of Strathfield in Cairns 2014!
Queen Elizabeth lunches with Idi Amin(Idi Amin Dada Oumee) of Uganda “July 1971”
President Mugabe Banished JUNE 25, 2008 (Zimbabwe – Rwanda)
Of British politics showing the way so to say,
“John Howard and the heads of state of security Attorney Genral and Governor Genral banned the firearms and changed the law , NOT THE PEOPLE by any lobbying or referendum” It has more non democratic method to it than Gough Whitlams dismissal in 1975 when the Australian senate blocked supply of funds for the ALP that was voted into government.
After blocking supply, the government was dissolved by the head of state of Australia the Governor Genral Sir John Kerr, causing the famous speech by Gough Whitlam on the steps of parliament house.
“Well May we say God save the queen , because nothing will save the Governor Genral, the proclamation you have just heard read by the Governor Genrals official secretary, was counter signed Malcom Fraser, who will undoubtedly go down in Australian history from remembrance day 1975 as Kerr’s cur”
There was no democracy about it, it used the public outcry and shock-wave more alike propaganda to grab the moment and use it to remove personal empowerment *rights(Human rights).
In this following video at 6:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xd9V4fr97M8 John Howard makes the statement Australians do not have any rights!!!!
How can you entertain, listen to or compare to a tyranny you fought in your war of independence to be the USA ?!
More than this, how can you entertain the UN (United Nations) about firearms(why bother listening to that panel of fascists), only two other countries beside the USA are a democracy in the UN panel, those are France and Russia !!! There is the odd bod, Iran, an Islamic Religious state , but EVERYTHING ELSE IS EITHER FASCIST OR MONARCHY (…are roughly the same as either)!
Th UN only operates like the “RFC” specification for internet, just paper tigers, or ISO international standards body. it is not a force that rushes in for anyone the moment there is a political injustice or other such problem, neither is it independent of national influences !
This being the biggest mistake the Australian people make about either “firearms” or “democracy” !
Gough Whitlam’s Australian Labor Party government was dissolved in 1975 “by decree” because the senate “blocked supply” of funds by vote(more opposition senators than in government side) causing nothing being able to be done by the then voted into “Economic power” Labor Government.
Consequence is, Senators now swear an oath to not never block supply before taking office!
What Sir John Kerr the Governor Genral did was not democratic , and is the power level against the Australian government at present as any of the other Governor Genrals are. In 1996 that, the then Prime Minister of Australia John Howard did in 1998, “was not democratic of any form”, it was seize the moment and use the propaganda !
The USA firearms problem is about democracy and it’s safety as much the implement and its use and availability itself.
The Australian people have no idea of the illusion the Canadian system is, and how much it is regulated behind its back by the “Commonwealths of Britain constitution” in that being any of those countries can be brought down to Idi Amin’s or Mugabe’s political ways.
More than this, some government security systems’ actions in Australia and other Commonwealth countries resemble Rohm’s third reich “bashers” , bashers are a pass time illicitly usually of people using them alike a hit man , but these rare incidence of government security having a word are like Rohm’s SA because the general threat with it is labeling entered into the government records against them.
note: Australian Statistics, firearms down 12 percent , knives up 11 percent!
One country has immensely restricted gun laws since 1996 the other somewhat has always unrestricted so to say…