The best looking rifle at the dance, BAR none.

The best looking rifle at the dance, BAR none.

What was the classiest looking gun at this week’s National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers conference? That’s easy.

This photo, which doesn’t begin to do justice, is the new Ohio Ordnance Works Colt 1918 Self Loading Rifle. You might recognize it as a true World War I pattern Browning Automatic Rifle. During the first big kerfluffle, the US military released contracts to Colt, Winchester and Marlin-Rockwell to produce BARs in quantity. In collaboration with Colt for design specs and licensing, the Ohio Ordnance Works folks have produced a beauty. The bluing is exquisite and the rifle comes in a hard leather, velvet-lined case complete with leather sling, cleaning kit and two magazines. It’s a .30-06 semi-automatic version, but you won’t feel the recoil as the rifle weighs about 17 pounds.

The initial run is for 200 units and they’re selling fast. For about eight grand, you can have one.