
On the fourth day of Christmas, I hope my true love gives to me…
Four written words…


What’s a gift list without some great shooting books? Here’s what’s on our ‘to read’ list.

ultimate sniper

The Ultimate Sniper by Major John Plaster. The ultimate guide to long-range shooting. This just looks like a fascinating read.


Shooting the Bull by Guy Smith. A libertarian’s take on how the other side attacks the Second Amendment. So there. Infinity.


Shooting to Live by William Fairbairn. A classic written in 1942 which draws on Captain Fairbairn’s experiences from the Shanghai Municipal Police Department. Oh, and that little tussle called World War II.

guns bullets gunfights

Guns, Bullets, And Gunfights: Lessons And Tales From A Modern-Day Gunfighter by Jim Cirillo. Lessons learned prevailing over numerous gunfights in Gotham.




Three tactical pens…
Two shooting gloves
And a Smith and Wesson M and P