self defense

You Can Be Right—And Still Lose

By |2025-01-18T11:19:53-05:00January 18th, 2025|

If you carry a gun for self-defense, you can do (almost) everything right… and still lose. Some good advice here from Ken Hackathon. What’s the missing piece? Read on. I also talk about these scenarios quite a bit in my new book, The Practical Guide to Concealed Carry.

New XRB Solid Copper Defensive Ammo from Sellier & Bellot

By |2025-01-09T09:16:00-05:00January 9th, 2025|

Sellier and Bellot has some new(ish) defensive ammo. It’s an all-copper projectile design that’ll stay together when passing through challenging barriers like glass. I tested it with a couple of pistols with known accuracy and was able to print sub-two-inch groups from 25 yards, so it can shoot more accurately than most humans. 

Bold Take? If You Draw Your Gun, You’ve Failed

By |2024-11-15T11:48:41-05:00November 15th, 2024|

Steve Tarani, Gunsite and independent instructor, is one of those guys you’ve seen wearing a dark suit in the background of presidential photos and such, so he knows a thing or two about protecting people from threats. Here’s an interesting article on how protective services measure success. Hint: if guns are involved, they’ve failed somewhere along the line.

How Do Your Concealed Carry Team Skills Stack Up? Team Tactics: Pernicious Pas De Deux

By |2023-03-13T10:03:50-04:00March 13th, 2023|

Humans are naturally confident, bordering on arrogant. In our minds, we’ve got all the correct answers, and for those situations we haven’t yet experienced, we assume we’ll make the right choices on the fly. We’re awesome like that.Gunfighting schools, on the other hand, are a force created by the universe to expose and counterbalance our genetic hubris. These diametrically opposed forces of nature are like gravity and orbital velocity — the reasons our hunk of rock topped with flawed humanity doesn’t crash into the sun or zoom past Pluto.

Less-Offensive EDC Tools

By |2023-03-06T09:18:15-05:00March 6th, 2023|

The parking garage was darker than normal. That light at the top of the stairwell was busted. No surprise, if the public bathroom on the ground floor is any indication, maintenance in the city’s public parking garages takes a distant second place to fixing that pothole at the end of 2nd Street. No reason to panic … yet. Nothing unusual about the light being smashed given the copious scrolls of graffiti on the walls.

American Handgunner Carry Options DeSantis OWB Season Leather – American Handgunner

By |2023-02-21T12:11:18-05:00February 21st, 2023|

Winter is here, so for me, it’s outside-the-waistband (OWB) carry season — at least some of the time. While I generally make more use of Kydex for IWB carry here in the humidity capital of the world (leather can get sticky on the draw when moist, and yes, I hate that word), the cooler months offer an opportunity to easily conceal a full-size pistol with classic OWB leather.
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