And now for something a little different. NOVX Pentagon ammunition uses a patented two-piece stainless steel case instead of the de facto standard “brass.” Why? Weight is a factor. I weighed an empty case and came up with 32.8 grains. A comparable brass case is about 62. So, we’re talking a weight savings of nearly half. If you’re wondering, that works out to about 1 oz. per 15-round magazine. I did check case volume, too — it’s about the same.
The .356 TSW – Making a Comeback?
Ever heard of the .356 TSW? It’s a souped-up 9mm running at high enough pressure
Is the .40 Dead?
The .40 died before it was born. That’s a rotten way to start a fulfilling
Federal Syntech Defense: Ammo Test
Federal Syntech ammunition, launched a couple of years
SIG SAUER Introduces M17 9mm +P Ammunition