In the comments section of a concealed carry article I wrote a while back for another publication, I read the following:


Needless to say, the opening words of that particular response got my attention, and I had to read on. This particular individual had chosen ankle carry as his primary concealment option. There are people who can’t conceal a handgun any other way, but didn’t seem to be one of those people.

While he didn’t explicitly say that he had to carry that way, he did imply in the narrative that it was a convenient choice and more of a “just because” decision. Reading between the lines, it appeared that he was too lazy to invest the time and inconvenience of working around a more traditional belt carry method. He went on to say that, because his gun was way down near his feet, he knew he wouldn’t be able to draw his pistol quickly and efficiently enough in a self-defense situation to make much of a difference in the outcome.

I had mixed emotions as I read this tragic story. On the one hand, I was stunned that someone out there had decided to carry a gun, even though he knew it was unlikely that he would be able to use it in a real self-defense situation. Why bother? On the other hand, I had to admire his honesty about the situation. Not regarding admitting his self-defense strategy flaw in public comments, but rather by his realization that just having a gun on his person didn’t necessarily mean that it would help him. At least he, at some level, recognized the danger of a false sense of security. Far too many new concealed carry permittees naturally assume that “just having a gun” will ensure that they can prevail in an armed encounter.

Read the rest: I Hope I Never Have to Draw… – The Mag Life