While the term “ballistic computer” sounds like an arcane piece of gear from the Apollo Space Program, but its purpose is simple. It’s designed to help you predict where a bullet will land—before you fire.
Knowing How to use a ballistic computer can tell you lots of interesting things like:
- How much a bullet will drop over distance.
- How much the wind will blow your bullet sideways at different distances.
- How fast your bullet is moving at different distances down range.
- Energy on target based on the distance.
- How many clicks to adjust your scope based on its milliradian or minute of angle turrets or reticle.
- The time of flight.
And a much, much more…

When push comes to shove, the most common uses of a ballistic computer are to figure out exactly where to aim to hit a distant target on the first shot. Once you understand the basics of what information a ballistic computer requires, using one to positive effect is easy. Let’s look at some inputs you’ll need to get accurate information about your shot.
Read the rest: How to Use a Ballistic Computer for Long Range Shooting
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